
Khanh Hoa works for greener Truong Sa

The south-central province of Khanh Hoa is making efforts to green up the local Truong Sa island district, in a bid to develop it into an economic, cultural, and social hub at sea and a solid fortress safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty over its sea and islands.

To this end, the Naval Region 4 High Command, which is responsible for military tasks in Truong Sa, has organised awareness-raising campaigns and mobilised resources, materials, and funds to implement a greening project in the island district. In 2023, the unit received over 204,200 saplings and 120.5 tonnes of fertilizer from various agencies, businesses, and people nationwide.

In addition, the high command has established two plant nurseries covering an area of approximately 3,000 square metres.

About 6,675 trees have so far been cultivated, with a pilot programme planting 400 trees for shade on some islands, showing initial positive results.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of Naval Region 4, stressed that tree-planting activities in Truong Sa hold significant importance. It not only proactively addresses the challenges of climate change and contributes to economic and defence development, but also helps create a green and clean environment on the islands./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency