

The Higher Education Ministry (MOHE) has allocated RM50,000 for the organisation of literature-related activities at universities.

Its minister, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said the move was to encourage more such activities, with the assistance of the Federation of Malaysian National Writers Associations (GAPENA) to build character and societial values.

“One of the ways to form character is to master the Malay language as the national language, as well as cultural elements and literature.

“So, we will organise several activities, including poetry recitals,’ he told reporters after the National Poetry Day celebrations organised by GAPENA here tonight, which was also attended by GAPENA president Datuk Zainal Abidin Borhan.

Zambry added that organising literature activities should not be limited to public universities but open to all education branches under the ministry’s auspicies.

“This involves everyone. We cannot allow only one party but to open to private universities and all branches under the m
inistry, including polytechnics and community colleges,’ he said.

Famous local authors Puzi Hadi and Marzuki Ali were received the National Literature Icon 2024 awards at today’s celebrations.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency