Kuala Kurau: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Kuala Kurau Maritime Zone detained a drift net boat on suspicion of stealing cockles about 2.0 nautical miles southwest of Pulau Sanggar Besar near Kuala Kurau this morning.
According to BERNAMA News Agency, Kuala Kurau Maritime Zone Operations deputy director Maritime Lieutenant Syuhadha Sharip stated that the Malaysian fishing boat, operated by a local fisherman, was detained following a public complaint. She explained that checks found the fisherman was suspected of committing offences under the Fisheries Act 1985 and Fisheries (Cockles Conservation And Culture) Regulations 2002, which included possessing an expired licence for harvesting cockles and operating outside permitted hours.
“During the operation, the suspect was aboard the boat, and checks revealed violations of licence conditions, such as using unlicenced cockle raking equipment and operating outside permitted hours,” Syuhadha said in a statement today. “The suspect, who had just started raking cockles in the area, also presented an expired licence. Inspections found that the suspect had stolen 10 kilograms of cockles.”
Syuhadha added that individuals committing such offences can be fined not exceeding RM10,000, imprisonment not exceeding one year or both, upon conviction. She urged the public to report any incidents, complaints or emergencies at sea by contacting the MMEA at the Kuala Kurau Maritime Zone Operations Centre hotline 05-7279919 or the emergency number 999 for immediate response.