

The first month of the ‘Op Pemutihan’ in Terengganu saw almost half of the employers checked fail to contribute to the Social Security Organisation (Socso).

Terengganu Socso director Farihah Che Husin said it involved 255 employers out of 585 inspections carried out by the agency throughout the state last month.

“This year, Socso is carrying out the operation nationwide for two months, from May 1 to June 30, unlike previous years, which only lasted for one month.

“Inspections made last month found that 255 or 43.6 per cent of employers failed to register and contribute to Socso. Various reasons were given by them, including not knowing the existence of Socso and not having time to register,” she said after inspecting the implementation of Op Pemutihan here today.

She said a total of 14 self-employed individuals had registered with the Self-Employment Social Security Scheme (SKSPS) in May with a total contribution of RM652.40.

The Self-Employment Social Security Scheme was introduced to provide protection for individuals who are self-employed under the provisions of the Self-Employment Social Security Act 2017.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency