
Bac Ha promotes homestay services

Located at an altitude of more than 1,000 metres above sea level and about 60km southeast of Lao Cai city, Bac Ha district has emerged as another draw to tourists, besides Sa Pa, in the northern province of Lao Cai. The district is endowed cool weather year-round, wonderful natural beauty and extraordinary cultures of 14 ethnic minorities. It also famous for historic sites like Bac Ha temple and Hoang A Tuong palace, week-end kermises of Hmong people, and beautiful plum gardens that bloom in Spring, giving it the name ‘white plateau’. Bac Ha in recent years has paid attention to developing homestay services as a sustainable model for long-term tourism development. It currently has more than 100 accommodation establishments, with a total of over 1,000 rooms to serve for about 4,000-5,000 guests.

Source: Vietnam News Agency