

Bank Muamalat has launched the fidyah collection service at the counter of the bank’s branches in the Federal Territories and Selangor, making it the first bank to offer such service in the country.

Fidyah is a charitable form of compensation for Muslims who are unable to fast during any of the days of Ramadan due to old age, illness or infirmity.

In a statement today, president and chief executive officer Khairul Kamarudin said for the initial phase, the fidyah collection introduced would be in collaboration with the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) and the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais).

“Moving forward, the bank will be collaborating with several Islamic religious councils in other states to expand the over-the-counter fidyah payment services offering to Muslims nationwide in stages.

“This is an effort to become a one-stop solution centre to cater for all financial needs and benefit customers,” he said.

He said Bank Muamalat’s existing customers and the Muslim public only needed to meet the bank’s officers at the branch to get advice on fidyah for free and make payments directly at the counter.

Besides that, Bank Muamalat said in conjunction with Ramadan, the bank has organised its annual initiative with various community programmes such as six series of tours of breaking fast with orphans, asnafs and converts as well as “bubur lambuk” cooking together events in more than 60 locations across the country.

The bank said it also handed over assistance to ten organisations involved for their operating expenses management as well as “duit raya” contributions to more than 300 individuals to ensure that the less fortunate do not miss out on celebrating Ramadan and the upcoming Syawal.

“Besides focusing on daily operations and providing quality services to customers, Bank Muamalat will continue to commit in implementing programmes like this to build close relationships with the local community and further create a better network for all parties,” he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency