

LABUAN, The Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) is considering a blueprint aimed at fostering economic independence among the Asnaf (tithe recipients) group.

Its Minister Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said the proposed blueprint, designed to uplift the Asnaf community from financial struggles, would soon undergo deliberation.

“We believe a blueprint is necessary to empower the Asnaf group beyond mere recipients of financial aid, transforming them into contributors towards Zakat (tithe) funds,” he said at a press conference after the Tautan Kasih Aidilfitri MADANI Programme at Labuan Food Court open space here today.

Mohd Na’im highlighted the importance of this initiative, emphasising the aspiration to shift the Asnaf group from dependency to self-sufficiency.

“We are convening a retreat involving Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) officials soon, and we will list this proposed blueprint to be discussed and refined,” he added.

He was of the view the forthcoming blueprint repres
ents a concerted effort towards fostering economic independence and social empowerment within the Asnaf community, signalling a potential paradigm shift in the administration of welfare and charitable initiatives.

He further elaborated that MAIWP currently administers 38 assistance schemes, encompassing various facets of support such as education, monthly financial aid, entrepreneurship programmes, housing repairs, medical expenses, housing construction, and housing rental assistance.

‘These initiatives aim to alleviate the financial burdens faced by the underprivileged…our goal is to empower the disadvantaged segments of society, ultimately fostering a community capable of contributing towards Zakat funds,” Mohd Na’im said.

Mohd Na’im also urged corporate entities in Labuan to fulfil their Zakat obligations, thereby enabling MAIWP to extend further assistance to those in need.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency