
Campaign for 4th Election of Capital, Provincial, Municipal, District, and Khan Councils Kicks Off

The week-long campaign for the 4th Election of Capital, Provincial, Municipal, District, and Khan Councils kicked off this morning throughout Cambodia until May 24, 2024.

The five participating political parties – including of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), the Khmer Will Party, the National Power Party, the FUNCINPEC Party, and the Khmer National United Party – began their respective campaigns in different forms.

In the capital, some 10,000 supporters of the ruling CPP organised a big rally to present their political agenda.

CPP President Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen this morning sent a message to his party members and supporters, calling on them to run the election campaign peacefully for a free and fair election.

The CPP president also appealed to them to strictly respect the election laws, regulations, procedures and ethics.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen expressed his deepest respect and gratitude to all his compatriots everywhere who have a strong belief in the CPP’s leadership.

He high
ly appreciated the members of commune/Sangkat councils across the country who took the physical, mental and intellectual strength to serve the people.

The 4th-mandate Capital, Provincial, Municipal, District and Khan Council Election on May 26, 2024 is an important election to further promote the national social development process, especially democratic development at the sub-national level, he underlined.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen reaffirmed the CPP’s commitment to join other political parties, social milieus and competent authorities at all levels in maintaining the political environment for the free, fair, orderly and safe election.

The CPP president took the opportunity to appeal to all commune/Sangkat councilors in position to go to the polls and vote for the CPP to ensure the glorious destiny of the nation.

A total of 11,622 voters have registered for the election to be held on May 26 in 209 polling stations throughout the country.

The Election of Capital, Provincial, Municipal, District, and Khan Cou
ncils is a proportional, non-universal election in which members of the commune and Sangkat councils are voters for two councils, including the capital, provincial council; and municipal, district, and Khan council.

There are 1,652 communes and 209 municipalities, districts, and khans for the election, and there are 559 seats for members of the capital and provincial councils and 3,641 seats for municipal, district, and khan councils.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse