
Comelec may hold simultaneous PI signatures’ check, voter sign-up

MANILA: The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Tuesday revealed a possible plan to lessen the possible impact of People’s Initiative (PI) proceedings on the resumption of voter registration which is set to start next month.

Comelec spokesperson John Rex Laudiangco said they are ready to verify signatures for PI and at the same time conduct the voter registration activities.

‘Hypothetically, should the Signature Verification ensue (after a formal Petition for People’s Initiative has been deemed sufficient in form and substance by the Commission en banc) during the period for Voter’s Registration, the Election Officer shall be the one to proceed with the signature verification in the Office of the Election Officer, while the Election Assistant shall serve as acting Election Officer for purposes of voter’s registration specifically in Mall/Offsite/Satellite/Out-of-Office Registration Sites,’ the poll body official said in a statement.

At the same time, he reiterated that acceptance of signature sheets for t
he PI has been indefinitely suspended.

‘We restate for the record, however, that with the suspension of Resolution No. 10650, all Comelec Offices have been directed not to receive signature pages anymore, and to stop from proceeding with: 1) the counting of the signatures contained therein, and 2) issuance of any certification therefor,’ Laudiangco added.

Meanwhile, he noted that though the Commission en banc has issued the suspension, proponents of the PI are not prevented from gathering signatures.

‘Yun lang hindi namin tatanggapin or bibilangin ang mga isa-submit nila. As of 1 p.m. Monday, may 1,129 cities and municipalities na nakatanggap na ng signatures. Comprise ito sa 210 legislative districts (The only thing is that we would not accept or count the signatures that they would submit. As of 1 p.m. Monday, there are 1,129 cities and municipalities that have received signatures. It comprises 210 legislative districts),’ the Comelec spokesperson added.

Stakeholders reaction

Election lawyer Romulo Mac
alintal lauded the decision of the Comelec to stop proceedings on PI.

‘From the very beginning, it has been my position that receiving these signature sheets is very premature because the rules pertaining to the conduct of initiative cannot be filed ahead of the petition. Since Comelec admitted that no petition has yet been filed for any initiative, then it is very clear that the act of receiving these signature sheets is premature and will not serve any useful purpose,’ the lawyer added.

Meanwhile, the Legal Network for Truthful Elections (LENTE) said they will continue to be vigilant against the move of PI proponents, amid reports that people are being promised of government benefits or financial assistance in exchange for signing the PI petitions.

The group added that they will work with other organizations to make sure that the process will be in accordance with the law.

It also urged the public to report to them if they have received offers, both monetary or in kind, in exchange of their signatures.

Source: Philippines News Agency