
Cop gets posthumous award for saving 2 drowning kids in Cagayan

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has feted a police officer assigned to the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) who died while rescuing two children from drowning in Cagayan. In a statement on Monday, PNP chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. said Cpl. Mark Edison Arinabo, a native of Pamplona, Cagayan who is assigned to the Makati City Police Station, was conferred with the Medalya ng Kadakilaan (Posthumous) for his noteworthy acts of heroism and bravery. ‘Beyond the call of duty, Cpl. Arinabo’s selfless actions demonstrate the epitome of service and sacrifice, and we will forever honor his memory,’ Acorda said. Reports said Arinabo and his family were having a picnic near the Pamplona River on May 26 when he noticed the two children struggling in the middle of the river. Arinabo jumped into the river to save the children but he was swept by the strong current. The two children were rescued. The police officer’s body was recovered by local disaster officials and was taken to the municipal Rural Health Unit where he was declared dead on arrival. Acorda, meanwhile, said the PNP also presented a plaque of appreciation to Edward and Josephine Arinabo, the parents of Cpl. Arinabo. ‘May I address all my men and women in uniform, let us embark on a fruitful week ahead, filled with determination and focus. Continue to serve the citizenry with sincerity, compassion, and integrity, driving forward their trust and respect for each and every one of us in the PNP,’ Acorda said.

Source: Philippines News Agency