
Corruption fight must not be affected by outside pressure: Party leader

The Central Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention and Control held the 24th session under the chair of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi on August 16.

The event reviewed the committee’s performance in the first half of 2023 and the fight against corruption and negative phenomena since the start of the Party’s 13th tenure, and identified focal tasks for the remaining months and beyond.

In his remarks, the Party leader said that in the first half of 2023 and since the start of the 13th tenure, the Central Steering Committee has continued to reform its activities to become more methodological and effective. Strong directions have been delivered over the combat against corruption and negative phenomena, securing comprehensive results at both central and local levels. This contributes to Party building and rectification, boosting national socio-economic development, and winning support from the public and high evaluation from international organisations.

For the remaining months of 2023 and beyond, he demanded constant review of the corruption and negative phenomena prevention and control, saying the fight must stay resolute, persistent, and not be affected by outside pressure.

He asked the agencies in charge of the affairs to perfect their apparatus, promote their mettle and capacity, enhance coordination with localities in this regard, and build policies and regulations to prevent corruption and negative phenomena early and from afar.

At first, members of the steering committee must set good examples and take the lead in fighting corruption and negative phenomena, General Secretary Trong noted.

At the meeting, the Central Steering Committee requested Party committees, Party organisations, and competent agencies direct accelerating the building and perfection of the rules against corruption and negative phenomena, with a focus on the regulations on controlling power and fighting corruption and negative phenomena in high-risk areas, along protecting whistle-blowers.

It urged fixing the identified loopholes and shortcomings of mechanisms, policies, and laws; completing the amendment of the laws on land, property auction, credit institutions and real estate trading, as well as others related to the corruption and negative phenomena combat; and quickly drafting a national strategy for corruption prevention and control until 2030.

The committee ordered speeding up the verification, investigation, prosecution, and judgement of the serious and complicated cases of corruption and negative phenomena that attract public attention.

Party committees, Party organisations, and competent agencies need to boost examination, supervision, inspection, and auditing in high-risk areas, thoroughly deal with wrongdoings committed by the Party organisations and Party members involved in the cases monitored by the Central Steering Committee, and continue considering the relief and position rearrangement of disciplined officials in line with the Politburo’s guidelines, it noted.

The Central Steering Committee demanded increasing communications and education among cadres, Party members and the public while further bringing into play the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, its member organisations, the press, and people in the combat.

It also requested Party committees, Party organisations, and competent agencies keep improving the performance of provincial-level steering committees, adamantly eradicate petty corruption, and make stronger improvements in the fight at the grassroots level./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency