
Dak Lak: 27 people involved in gun attacks arrested

A total of 27 people had been arrested by 18:30 on June 12 for their involvement in the June 11 gun attacks on the headquarters of the People’s Committees of Ea Tieu and Ea Ktur communes, including the communes’ police stations, in Cu Kuin district of the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak.

Spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security Lieut. Gen To An Xo said competent forces have also seized a number of military weapons, including CKC rifles. They are searching for the remaining suspects and investigating the case.

Earlier on June 12, two working delegations separately led by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang and Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. Luong Tam Quang visited victims of the gun attacks and their families.

According to the Dak Lak Department of Public Security, the attacks took place on early June 11 morning, killing and injuring a number of communal police officers, communal cadres, and civilians.

In the afternoon of the same day, Minister of Public Security Gen. To Lam signed a decision to posthumously promote the ranks of the four police officers dying in the attacks and give assistance to the families of the dead officers and the injured ones.

Also on June 12, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang signed a decision on granting certificates in recognition of the merit rendered to the Fatherland by six martyrs of the Ministry of Public Security and Dak Lak province who sacrificed in the attacks.

The same day, the Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Dak Lak province sent a letter calling on local people, soldiers and officials to stay united together and believe in the Party’s policies and guidelines, as well as the leadership of the party committees and the management of administrations at all levels.

The authorities strongly condemned the attacks, killing of people and severe violations of law of these suspects, and at the same time extended their condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers, officials and people./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency