

IPOH: The Sultan of Perak, Sultan Sultan Nazrin Shah, consented for 70 youth leaders in the state to deliver the Friday prayers sermon today in conjunction with the National Youth Day, which was celebrated on May 15.

Muhammad Syukri Alimar Shidi of Kelab Belia Abrar Sungai Rokam expressed his deepest gratitude to Sultan Nazrin for acknowledging the crucial role of the younger generation in the country.

“I was once again selected to read the Friday sermon at the Idris Iskandar Shah I Jamek Mosque in Kampung Sungai Rokam. Last year, it was at the state mosque, Sultan Idris Shah II Mosque,” he said when met after today’s Friday prayers, here.

Earlier, Perak Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPk), Tan Sri Mohd Annuar Zaini said Sultan Nazrin consented for Perak youth leaders to deliver today’s Friday prayers sermon titled ‘Belia: Tenaga Penggerak Pembawa Pembaharuan’ (Youth: The Driving Force Bringing Changes)

Meanwhile, Muhammad Syukri said the initiative was a step towards propelling the develo
pment of the ummah with a fresh, more vibrant, and visionary approach in line with the rapid pace of changes and progress.

“The legacy inherited from the Prophet Muhammad SAW must be revitalised through rejuvenating the movement for the development of the ummah with the active participation of more youth.

“Youths are not the leaders of the future but leaders of the present because the constantly changing times demand new approaches that are in line with current interests, thereby requiring fresher and more dynamic energy,” he added.

Today’s Friday prayers sermon revolved around the role of youth contained in the stories in the Quran, characterised by their readiness and courage to accept and effect change while highlighting prominent Muslim youths with outstanding qualities in the Islamic civilisation, such as Umar al-Khattab, Ali Abi Talib, Jaafar Abi Talib, and Abdullah Ibn Masud.

“They were among the young leaders who displayed open-mindedness to change, subsequently serving as the earliest driving for
ce, taking responsibility to assist Prophet Muhammad SAW in spreading Islam.

“Therefore, it is good for youths to be given the opportunity to be educated, guided, nurtured and equipped with firm belief in God to shape and provide identity to the citizens of this country in the future,” read the text.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency