
Frontliner’s widow receives survivors’ pension from SOCSO

The widow of a frontline worker at Kolej Laila COVID-19 quarantine and low-risk treatment centre (PKRC) who died while on duty last Friday, will receive the Social Security Organisation’s (SOCSO) survivors’ pension benefit.

Normardiah Mansor, 31, widow of Ainatulazizi Afandi, 34, will receive a monthly payment of RM870.38 for the rest of her life beginning this month to help reduce her family’s burden, Sibu SOCSO branch manager Tan Phang Chia said today.

“His five children, aged three to 11, will also enjoy the survivors’ pension benefits till they are 21 or are married before that age,” he told reporters after Normardiah received the RM2,000 funeral benefit cheque from Sarawak Housing and Public Health Assistant Minister Dr Annuar Rapaee at Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Teku here.

According to Tan, SOCSO pays survivors’ pension to beneficiaries of contributors who die before reaching 60 irrespective of the cause of death as long as they fulfil contribution requirements.

Azinatulazizi, who was a People’s Volunteer Corps (RELA) member was reportedly on duty from 11 pm to 7 am on July 2 when he was found unconscious in the centre’s toilet by a colleague.

Health Ministry personnel on duty there checked him before confirming he had died.

Meanwhile, Dr Annuar, who is also Sibu Division disaster management committee coordinator, said although no autopsy was done on Azinatulazizi, his COVID-19 test came back negative.

He said he would contact the Social Welfare Department to obtain any assistance that they could provide to further reduce the widow’s burden.

“I understand that the deceased’s family has allowed the eldest child, aged 11 years, to be housed in the PERYATIM (Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Sarawak) Complex Sibu branch, in Kemuyang to continue and ensure his education is managed properly,” he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency