

CYBERJAYA, Hard work pays off and it proves true for settlers of Felda Sungai Tengi Selatan, Hulu Selangor, with their harvest of golden melons now available on the shelves of several branches of big supermarkets and wholesale markets in the country.

Project coordinator Suhairi Hussin, 36, said what made them prouder was that the yellow-skinned round fruit with white flesh, the product from a fertigation project that was carried out since May last year, met the conditions and quality set by the supermarket concerned.

He said the project, involving quality products with high market demand, was carried out to increase the income of settlers.

According to him, the project has enabled 139 Felda settlers in Sungai Tengi Selatan to earn dividends of up to RM3,000 per person.

“We cultivate golden melon plants in 33 greenhouses that are developed at a site, covering more than four hectares, using the Airhydro Watering system technology with seeds brought in from Thailand.

“Golden melon was selected for the proj
ect because of its high demand in supermarkets, but there are still few who cultivate it on a large scale. The waiting period for the crop to bear fruits is also not too long, which is around 65 days, allowing us to harvest the fruit four times a year,” he said when met at the launch of the National Month and the Fly Jalur Gemilang here today.

Suhairi said each greenhouse has about 2,400 golden fruit plants, producing between 1.5 and 2 tons of fruits and sold at a farm price of between RM6 to RM8 per kilogramme.

The market price can reach tens of ringgit per kilogramme, he said.

For the event here today, he said they brought more than half a ton of golden melons to be sold to the public at a special price of RM10 each.

The fruit has a sweeter taste and is more crunchy than honeydew melon, he said.

Suhairi said they were initially sceptical about meeting the requirements set by the supermarket.

“One of the conditions is that we need to supply two tons of fruit… It was a bit scary for us but Alhamdulill
ah, with careful planning we can harvest the fruit every week so that the supply is always there,” he said.

The Golden Melon fertigation project is managed by 14 settlers, aged between 21 and 30.

Following the success of the project, Suhairi said they were now aiming to penetrate the overseas market, with the first to Singapore next year.

‘To realise this, we need to have five more greenhouses. Many people see farming only as a tiring job. If done seriously and with meticulous planning and using modern equipment and with the right knowledge, it brings good income and is worth every sweat,” he said

Source: BERNAMA News Agency