

MELAKA, The government does not intend to introduce new taxation instruments but rather aims to implement a more equitable targeted subsidy system that meets the needs of the people, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said.

He said the recent announcement regarding targeted diesel subsidy exempts low-income groups such as fishermen, smallholders and taxi drivers from these taxes.

‘I do not wish to introduce new taxation instruments that burden the people. The issue with (current) diesel subsidy is the significant leakage, costing billions of ringgit… the wealthy and large industries still benefit from these subsidies.

‘The implementation of targeted subsidies will (only) affect the wealthy, large industries and foreign nationals. Fishermen, smallholders, Grab and taxi drivers will all be exempt (from being taxed)… potentially exempting nearly a million citizens from the diesel tax,’ he said.

The prime minister said this in his speech at the MADANI Convention here today, Also present was Melaka Ch
ief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh.

Separately, Anwar urged all ministries and departments to adopt the MADANI slogan as a dynamic concept, aligning with technological advancements, digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) in the nation’s development efforts.

He also touched on the upcoming Islamic Economic Conference, set to take place from May 28-29 in Kuala Lumpur, which will consider the principles of Syariah (Maqasid Syariah) with a broader and more comprehensive scope.

‘This economic conference will examine the Islamic economy from the wider aspects of Maqasid, meaning how public participation, social inequality improvement, use of opportunities and digital AI technology exploration are involved.

‘This conference will bring a new thinking that I consider as MADANI, as it discusses societal issues encompassing all fields,’ the prime minister said.

Meanwhile, Ab Rauf said 10 resolutions were discussed during the two-day convention that began yesterday.

They include acknowledging that the M
alaysia MADANI initiative can resolve issues affecting the Ummah, meeting current and future needs and fulfilling the potential of the people, state and country, he said.

‘The voices and aspirations of the people and government agencies must be synergised to build a MADANI nation in harmony with dakwah (propagation) activities, ensuring that the RAHMAH message is strategically communicated to the community.

‘The Chief Minister’s Department, as the primary state department, must act as the coordinator for distributing government funds to the people,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency