
Hanoi takes actions to improve population quality

Hanoi: The People’s Committee of Hanoi is putting forward measures to stabilise population size, maintain replacement level fertility, minimise gender imbalance at birth, and improve population quality and health care for the elderly, thus contributing to fulfilling local socio-economic targets.

This year, the capital city is striving to reduce the third child birth rate by 0.15% year-on-year, and achieve 88% of the elderly having their health checked-up, 84% of pregnant women receiving four common disease screening, and 89% of new-borns receiving five common disease screening. The rate of elderly people receiving regular health checks is 88%.

The sex ratio at birth is expected to be 111 boys/100 girls, the rate of couples receiving consultation and health examination before marriage will be 65%, and the number of people using new contraceptive methods will be 403,730.

To that end, the municipal People’s Committee continues to implement a project to promote and expand the society’s involvement in supplying
contraceptives, family planning commodities and reproductive health services to 2030; and plans to approve another to expand the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of several prenatal and neonatal diseases in the city to 2030; and implements activities and models to improve population quality in the new situation./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency