

There are calls for Kedah to create better job opportunities so that homegrown talents can serve in their own state instead of migrating to other places in search of greener pastures.

Several Kedahans interviewed by Bernama said they wanted to contribute to their own state’s development but were hampered by the lack of jobs which commensurate with their qualifications.

One of them, Amalil Asma Amdan, 25, said this forced her to move to Kuala Lumpur to seek jobs after graduating from Universiti Putra Malaysia two years ago.

The Science and Timber Technology graduate from the Forestry and Environment Faculty said she was not being choosy but wanted a better paying job in order to cope with the rising cost of living.

“There are not many job opportunities (in Kedah) relevant to my qualification, unlike Kuala Lumpur. I hope jobs can be created in various sectors in Kedah so that we do not have to go far to look for work,” she told Bernama here recently.

For Nur Syafiqah Azdha, 25, from Jerlun, she had to move to neighbouring Penang to work in Bayan Lepas because the jobs available in the vicinity of her village were mostly daily rated and not permanent, like helping out fishermen and farmers.

Nur Syafiqah said if more industries were set up in Kedah, youths would be able to get jobs relevant to their qualifications and which pay adequately amidst the current high cost of living.

“For example, in my village most jobs are related to farming and fishing. That’s why I migrated to Penang to get a better job,” she said.

Meanwhile, Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs (MAYC) Kedah chairman Mohamad Shafizal Mohamad Safee, 32, said political coalitions should set aside their ideological differences so that decisions taken could help in the development of youths in the state.

“So I really hope that the coming state government (after state polls) will be wise in its administration regarding provision of jobs for young people. Many (job) promises have been made in the past but Kedah people still ended up working in other states,” he said.

Pakatan Harapan (PH) candidate for the Jitra state seat Datin Sabrina Ahmad said the career choices of the younger generation had changed as many were now attracted to the gig economy.

“To me, the opportunities are there but not commensurate with their qualifications. In Kedah not all places are enjoying development and Jitra itself is lagging behind,” she said.

PH candidate for Kubang Rotan Mohd Asmirul Anuar Aris is also determined to help youths in Kedah but said his task would be made easier if the state government could see eye to eye with the federal government.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency