

KOTA BHARU: The Kelantan government has gazetted new guidelines for Muay Thai to redevelop the sport and produce world-class exponents.

State executive councillor in charge of sports Zamakhshari Muhamad said the new guidelines would overcome various issues including security which cropped up in the past.

“The new guidelines were approved by the state exco and gazetted two months ago,’ he said.

He told reporters this after opening the Taekwon-do Tul programme and Kelantan Junior Matsogi championship here today, which involved 460 participants.

Zamakhshari said Muay Thai is expected to contribute to Kelantan’s targeted 22-gold haul in the 2024 Malaysia Games (Sukma) in Sarawak from Aug 17 to 24.

Sarawak has listed Muay Thai, boxing, petanque and E-Sports as additional Sukma 2024 events to be contested alongside the 28 compulsory sports.

On another matter, Zamakhshari said the state government had obtained a RM500,000 allocation from the Youth and Sports Ministry to repair the drainage system at Stadium Su
ltan Muhammad IV here.

“Works will begin during the Malaysia League season break and are expected to be completed before the monsoon season. After that we may focus on the grass and scoreboard at the stadium,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency