
KPDN records 10,894 offences with seizures worth RM115 mln in 2022

BACHOK, Jan 5 (Bernama) — The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) seized RM115 million worth of goods involving 10,894 cases of violating controlled and subsidised items throughout last year.


Deputy Minister Fuziah Salleh said this includes traders cheating customers and altering the price tag of eggs, among other things.


“There are also cases where traders sold eggs at a higher price, for example, Grade B eggs, are marked as higher grades. It is an offence and action can be taken against them.




“In such cases, we will confiscate the goods for error in pricing,” she told reporters after inspecting the supply of food items at a supermarket in Jelawat here today.


Other offences recorded are related to the supply of packet cooking oil, flour, petrol and diesel.


She said Ops Bersepadu would continue to be carried out to combat offences on controlled and subsidised goods, especially during festive seasons.



“In the implementation of Ops Terjah on Dec 17, 2022, the enforcement team has so far inspected 12,293 premises and found that 9,961 have sufficient supplies of controlled and subsidised goods.


“Of the total, 9,961 premises were found to have adequate supplies, 2,118 had reduced supplies and only 214 shops had no supplies,” she said.


Meanwhile, in PENANG, the supply of eggs in the state is still adequate, although some outlets are only receiving 50 to 60 per cent at the moment.


State KPDN director S. Jegan said that based on inspections and monitoring conducted, the enforcement team found that the problem of insufficient supply of eggs was due to the problem of different supply arrangements at the wholesale level.


“The egg supply is sufficient at the retail level. However, based on our inspection, we found that the wholesalers have sufficient supply, but they are not allowed to ship all of them. They are regulating the distribution,” he said when asked to comment on the matter.



Source: BERNAMA News Agency