
League of cities calls for unity amid disagreement on Chacha

CEBU: The head of the 149-member city mayor’s association in the Philippines on Monday called for unity to sustain the momentum for progress and peace.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama, national president of the League of Cities of the Philippines, said the organization supports the call of the Department of the Interior and Local Government for ‘a united country to continue our achievements in peace, progress, and prosperity.’

‘We cannot overemphasize the importance of working together, of moving as one, propelled by our genuine concern for the plight of our fellow Filipinos,’ Rama said in a statement.

Rama underscored the league’s adherence to the duly constituted authority, stressing its stand to ‘remain steadfast in upholding the Constitution.’

‘Now, more than ever, we should be guided by compassion and sensitivity to attain progress together. Our bonds are always tested by varying views of development, but that does not necessarily mean that our efforts should precede our sense of decency, respect, and c
are for each other.’

He called his fellow public servants to continue to be guided by selfless service as a hallmark of genuine service to the public.

‘Our strength as a nation lies in our ability to rise above partisanship and self-interests,’ he said, adding that the enemy of the people is a divided nation.

Rama’s call came amid public discussions on the efforts to amend or change the 1987 Constitution.

During Monday’s flag-raising ceremony at the Cebu City Hall, the mayor said he would support the call to change the 1987 Constitution but only through the Constitutional Convention.

Source: Philippines News Agency