

KEPALA BATAS, Usually things are thrown away when they are deemed useless but these castaways have their own value to those who know how to make the most of them.

Tasked with the mission of reducing waste at landfills, the Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) Upcycle Unit, dubbed Orange Heroes, have taken the initiative to turn these castaways into high value products.

They have currently created over 70 products using recycled items such as tyres, drums, dishwasher bottles, wood pellets and tins, at their workshop, located at the Bertam MBSP Cleanliness Operations Depot here, which the most eye-catching of these products being replicas of emu, motorcycles, along with racks, pots, furniture sets as well as souvenirs.

MBSP Strategic Planning Division Upcycle and Beautification Unit senior foreman Azizul Abdul Rahim shared that there were over 10 staff in the unit, which was set up three years ago, each with their own roles in turning rubbish into valuable products.

Their detailed craftsmanship is evident in
how realistic some replicas are, including the emus, motorcycles and rhinoceroses, created from used tyres, he said.

‘We obtain the materials from individuals, factories, landfills, tyre workshops and vehicle service centres, then we gather to contribute ideas on how to transform them into handicrafts and ornaments that can be sold to the public,’ he told Bernama recently, adding that prices ranged from RM3 to RM1,000, with most orders being landscape decorations and furniture sets from government agencies and schools.

It takes the staff usually a week to complete and order as it required a certain level of detail and attention, while the external pattern was handmade by an experienced artist in the unit.

The team is also responsible for beautifying recreational areas around Seberang Perai, and they have made-over more than 20 illegal dumpsites, turning them into beautiful areas that end up as photography locations.

When not deep in an upcycle project, the team also accepts invitations to hold exhibitions
and talks in schools to boost public awareness as well as guide and share tips with students who sign up for contest to create recycled products.

Suparman Hashim, 54, an artist in the unit, shared his happiness in having the opportunity to be part of the team as he has been really into art since his schooling days.

A military veteran, Suparman said drawing was not a hard thing to do, but the challenge was in completing detailed work, such as three days for a logo, as it required focus and detailing so that it did not look like a mere drawing, but was a real logo.

‘I have worked with the MBSP for over six years, starting as a garbage collector before being absorbed into this unit.

‘While working in the previous position (as a garbage collector), I found our society was less aware toward ensuring their cleanliness, and littered indiscriminately, so I was glad to be in this unity as it can be a platform for the public to love a clean environment,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency