

KUANTAN, The rising prevalence of social media use each year highlights the need for an ethical understanding of its use to cultivate responsible digital citizens.

A study by Kajidata in July 2023 revealed that on a daily basis, WhatsApp is used by 71 percent of Malaysians, Facebook by 51 percent, TikTok by 49 percent, Instagram by 45 percent, and X by 30 percent.

Recognising this situation, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is committed to enhancing digital literacy by emphasising responsible social media use in recent briefings with students of Widad University College here.

Widad University College, Student Affairs associate vice-chancellor, associate prof Muslina Md Muis, stated that the briefings on the Ethics of Social Media Use under the Wise Click Programme are aimed at raising awareness among social media users, especially youth, to be more mindful and avoid misusing these platforms.

“Many students are unaware that their social media behaviour can influence employers’
perceptions and hiring decisions.

“Therefore, they must enhance their understanding of social media literacy, foster ethical behaviour, and courtesy, and avoid emotional impulses that may lead to potential issues or unintended consequences later,” she told Bernama.

She added that the briefings also addressed the impact of sharing sensitive content, spreading misinformation, and making inappropriate comments on social media, aiming to raise awareness among digital citizens to be more discerning and avoid engaging in activities that violate the law.

Meanwhile, a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) student at the college, Ar Razi Ryoshi, 21, said the briefing provided him with insight into the importance of responsible usage and avoiding spreading harmful content on social media.

“I underestimated the impact of social media misuse, but after attending this briefing, I now understand the many pitfalls involving social media that never crossed my mind before.

“For instance, I wasn’t aware that
sharing information of unknown authenticity could constitute spreading fake news and result in legal consequences,” he said.

Another MBBS student, Jacqueline Ayunie Jepili, 26, said the briefing taught her to ensure that information received comes from reliable and credible sources.

“As a medical student, we receive various information from different sources, including those shared on social media.

“After attending this briefing, I’ve come to realise how crucial it is to verify the accuracy of the information we read because sometimes we are easily excited upon seeing certain links, and don’t check if they are accurate or not,” she said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency