
‘Medalya ng Kadakilaan’ bestowed on fallen police officer

CAMP SK PENDATUN: The Police Regional Office-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (PRO-BAR) on Sunday bestowed a medal of honor on a captain who was killed while performing his duties in a public market in Parang, Maguindanao del Norte.

Brig. Gen. Prexy Tanggawohn, PRO-BAR director, conferred a posthumous award on the late Capt. Roland Moralde for his exceptional bravery and service to the country.

Tanggawohn presented the ‘Medalya ng Kadakilaan’ to the wife of Moralde at the PRO-BAR headquarters in Parang town.

Moralde was the administrative officer of Regional Mobile Force Battalion-14 based in this camp.

His body lies at the St. Martin de Porres chapel in the camp and will be brought to Manila soon.

On May 2 while doing marketing chores, he accosted a man who had a gun tucked in his waist.

The man resisted, triggering a shootout.

Maj. Christopher Cabugwang, Parang town police chief, identified the gunman as Mohiden Untal, who was killed during a chase.

Untal’s relatives — three police officers in civilian
clothes — retaliated and shot dead Moralde.

‘This is very unfortunate because the suspects in the killing of Moralde are also his comrades,’ Cabugwang said, adding that two of the officers have surrendered.

‘Medalya ng Kadakilaan’ is the recognition given by the Philippine National Police (PNP) for remarkable service and sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty.

Moralde’s family also received financial assistance from the PNP and Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund Inc.

Source: Philippines News Agency