
National Tobacco Administration Explores Alternative Uses for Tobacco

Manila, Philippines – The National Tobacco Administration (NTA) is actively promoting the versatility of tobacco plants beyond their traditional use in smoking products. This initiative is being led by the agency’s Industrial Research Department-Product Development Division.

According to Philippines News Agency, the chief science research specialist of the NTA, in an interview on Monday, the organization has been focusing on cultivating tobacco mainly for its leaves, but is now exploring a range of alternative applications. The NTA, in collaboration with local government units in tobacco-growing provinces like Ilocos Norte, is working on developing a variety of tobacco by-products. These include bio-pesticides, ointments and liniments for animals, handmade papers, and novelty items like wall dividers, baskets, hand fans, and wall decors. Maloom highlighted the environmental appeal of these biodegradable products as alternatives to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, especially in the context of rising consciousness about environment-friendly technologies and the high cost of synthetic options. Furthermore, the potential of tobacco as a source of food and feeds is being explored, supporting the government’s food security program. These by-products are now ready for technology tr
ansfer and commercialization.