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Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network and Inter-Parliamentary Union sign MoU

The Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network and the Inter-Parliamentary Union have inked a Memorandum of Understanding on the margins of the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva.

The document was signed on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network by Sahiba Gafarova, the Speaker of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Network, and on behalf of the Inter-Parliamentary Union by Martin Chungong, the IPU Secretary General.

Following the signing ceremony, the sides noted that the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network, established on the initiative of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, plays an important role in expanding parliamentary diplomacy and deepening cooperation between the legislative bodies of the Non-Aligned Movement member states. They emphasized that the cooperation between the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network and the Inter-Parliamentary Union will serve to diversify activities in
this area.

They also hailed the development of relations between the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

The signed memorandum will enhance ties between the two organizations and promote cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy on issues of common concern.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency