
NX Group Unveils Reports On Growth, Sustainability Efforts

KUALA LUMPUR,, The Nippon Express (NX) Group, one of the world’s leading logistics providers, has published its Integrated Report 2024 and its Sustainability Data Book 2024, detailing initiatives to make the group’s businesses even more global, profitable, and sustainable.

The Integrated Report focuses on three key points from the group’s latest five-year management plan, namely to improve global competitiveness and achieve business growth; enhance corporate value by increasing business competitiveness and profitability; as well as promote sustainability management as the foundation for all its business activities.

The report provides updates on policies and strategies of the NX Group under new Nippon Express Holdings President Satoshi Horikiri; the five-year management plan (NX Group Management Plan 2028: Dynamic Growth 2.0 – Accelerating Global Growth); and the transition to an Audit Committee structure.

Global-growth initiatives described in the report include the smooth integration of cargo-partner, t
he Austrian logistics company whose acquisition by the NX Group was completed in January, according to a statement.

Horikiri in the report said the group will further grow its global business by increasing its customer base and expanding the range of services it offers.

The combination is creating value for stakeholders and helping to transform the NX Group into a truly global forwarder.

Meanwhile, the Sustainability Data Book explains in detail how the group aims to address important issues such as climate change; contribute to global prosperity; and enhance corporate value by addressing the needs of people, businesses, and society.

The data book outlines the NX Group’s efforts to address major sustainability issues from the perspectives of “environmental value”, “social value”, “economic value”, and “governance”.

In addition, the Sustainability page on the group website has been revamped to provide information in an easy-to-understand manner.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency