

KUALA TERENGGANU, Pasar Payang 1, which was supposed to start operations today, has deferred its opening to July 15 as most of the shop lots are still under renovation.

Terengganu Malay Small Traders and Hawkers Association Kuala Terengganu branch chairman Zakaria Yusof said that so far only traders in four sections, namely goldsmith shops, souvenirs, kitchen utensils and footwear (shoes and slippers), have drawn lots while batik shops are expected to do so on July 15.

He said that before opening to the public, the traders have to make many modifications such as wiring, product shelves, exhibition tables and so on for business needs.

‘Traders in the four sections have got their keys. But they need to renovate, connect electricity, install shelves and other necessary fittings.

‘At the earliest, we expect traders to trickle in gradually from July 15. But that all depends on the progress of their lot renovations,’ he told Bernama today.

Meanwhile, a goldsmith shop dealer in Pasar Payang 1, Mohd Ropi Endut,
53, said renovating his shop would take nearly two months due to the complex process of installing a safe.

Mohd Ropi said while awaiting renovations to be completed, his business will continue at Pasar Payang 2.

‘The wiring work… installing the safe also takes a long time. If I don’t install the safe, I can’t operate. For now, we are doing business at Pasar Payang 2,’ he said.

Pasar Payang 1 was built using a federal allocation of RM70 million.

The refurbished Pasar Payang 1 includes a new two-storey building with 412 shop lots, 369 sales plots and various facilities including restrooms, escalators, a surau and a nursing room.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency