

SEREMBAN, Public Service Department director-general Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz urged civil servants to reflect on their roles and responsibilities to prevent misconduct that could jeopardise their future.

He emphasised the need to strengthen governance in carrying out duties effectively, particularly in delivering services to the public.

“Misconduct isn’t exclusive to civil servants; it exists in the private sector too. If we view work as a means of earning a halal livelihood and so forth, I believe misconduct wouldn’t occur. Hence, good governance is crucial.

“The Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) consistently reminds us that good governance is needed at every level of the civil service. Not just at the top or middle, but also at the grassroots level,” he told reporters after visiting the MyPesara Counter in Negeri Sembilan today.

He highlighted the importance of department heads monitoring their staff to ensure compliance with regulations and not shielding those who engage in miscon

He also advised civil servants not to become complacent and to always seek ways to further enhance their service delivery.

“We need to abandon outdated methods that inconvenience the people and instead uphold the principle of facilitating and adapting to their needs. For example, previously grant applications and so on took a week, but now can be obtained in a day,” he said.

Wan Ahmad Dahlan also called on department heads or supervisors to regularly inspect customer service counters to prevent issues and ensure that Customer Charters are reviewed according to current needs.

Meanwhile, he clarified that the public servants’ pension scheme is still being studied by the Public Service Department and discussed with stakeholders.

Asked about salary increases for civil servants, he said it would be announced by the Prime Minister next month and believed it would be good news for all civil servants, including retirees.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency