

PUTRAJAYA, The Public Service Department (PSD) is opening up opportunities to qualified graduates with backgrounds in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to be part of the public service workforce through broader and more flexible appointment requirements, it said in a statement today.

It said it was in line with the government’s decision to continue with efforts to strengthen TVET under the reviewed Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA).

According to PSD, the initiatives are the incorporation of the Malaysian Vocational Certificate (SKM) for Grade 19 appointments and the Malaysian Skills Diploma (DLM) or the Malaysian Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM) for Grade 29 appointments, among other things.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will announce the initiatives soon, it said.

‘PSD is always collaborating with the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resource, to incorporate MQA-approved TVET qualifications into appropr
iate schemes within the public service,’ read the statement.

The department said the inclusion of TVET qualifications in the appointment criteria for positions in the civil service depends on their relevance within the scope and job descriptions and following discussions with the relevant heads of departments.

‘For example, SKM in transportation is specified as a requirement for appointment to the Motor Vehicle Examiner scheme (Grade AB19) as it aligns with the requirements of the scheme,’ it added.

Meanwhile, the department said that it was always aware of the country’s industry needs for a skilled workforce to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, adding that the government continues to enhance TVET by incorporating SKM in 66 Grade 19 appointments which were announced through service circulars in 2011 and 2016.

‘Qualifications in DKM and DLKM are also part of the appointment criteria for two Grade 29 schemes namely the Vocational Training Assistant Officer (DV29) and Training Assistan
t Officer (E29),’ the statement added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency