

GUA MUSANG, The Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) has allocated RM400,000 to Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) this year to strengthen the efforts to propagate Islam to the people in the state, including the Orang Asli and protect their welfare.

State Yadim director Mahadi Awang said various initiatives are being carried out by the foundation, including meeting their needs in education, welfare, and social aspects.

He said Yadim had been continuously striving to fulfil the aspirations of the Unity Government in addressing the needs and welfare of rural communities.

Mahadi said two weeks ago, Yadim reconnected with the Orang Asli community at Pos Pasik to increase their appreciation of Islam.

‘We need to consistently visit the rural villages within a year, not just two or three times, to establish good relations with the community,’ he told reporters at the Ziarah Mahabbah programme involving the Mendriq Orang Asli tribe in Kampung Kuala Lah, here today.

According to Mahadi, Yadim sh
ould be more proactive in helping rural communities and engage directly with them so that the programmes planned in their interest will achieve the objectives.

‘The allocation provided this year will help us further expand the propagation efforts among Orang Asli folk and those living in the outskirts.

‘Yadim also provides contributions of daily necessities such as the Bakul Rahmah or Bakul MADANI during each of its visits to rural areas,’ he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency