
Scholarships presented to disadvantaged ethnic minority students in Bac Lieu

Bac Lieu: As many as 90 scholarships worth 1 million VND (about 41 USD) each were given to students from ethnic minority groups, sea and island areas and children of border guard soldiers in the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu on January 4.

The scholarships were jointly presented by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Bac Lieu, the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund and the ‘For beloved Hoang Sa-Truong Sa’ Club.

At the event, six students affected by COVID-19 pandemic also received scholarships worth 6 million VND each.

The organisers also donated 15 bicycles, worth 2 million VND each, to local disadvantaged children on this occasion.

Addressing the ceremony, Truong My Hoa, former Vice State President, Chairwoman of the Vu A Dinh scholarship fund and head of the “For Beloved Hoang Sa and Truong Sa” Club, said that the scholarships are hoped to encourage recipients to pursue study for a better future.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Phan Thanh Duy said the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund and
the ‘For beloved Hoang Sa-Truong Sa’ Club have given many scholarships to many students in the locality, adding that they help ease difficulties for the students and rise up in their life.

Established in 1999, the fund was named after Vu A Dinh (1934-1949), a young ethnic hero who sacrificed his life in the war of resistance against the French colonialists. The fund has provided scholarships to outstanding students living in ethnic minority areas nationwide./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency