
Squid ring issue: Stern action will be imposed against violators – Idris

PUTRAJAYA, March 11 — The Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) will impose stern action against any quarters for violating the prescribed rules in connection with the sale of frozen squid rings claimed to be made from pork intestines.

Minister Datuk Idris Ahmad said it was to safeguard the welfare of the community.

He said samples of the squid rings were sent to the Chemistry Department for analysis, adding that the relevant authorities would update the findings of the investigation once they receive the analysis report from the department.

“The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) and the relevant state religious departments have taken early intervention as soon as the issue went viral by going to the ground and taking samples to be analysed,” he said in a statement.

He said at the same time the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) had contacted Shandong Halal Certification Services, a halal certification body in China, to get confirmation on the product’s halal certificate.

A posting on social media that claimed squid rings sold in the market were made from pork rectum with squid flavours went viral recently, while other social media users doubted the validity of the halal mark printed on the packaging.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency