Key Issues

Survey findings on 100 days of Unity Gov’t questionable – Fahmi

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 (Bernama) — Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil has cast doubt on the findings of a survey on 100 days of the Unity Government administration conducted by a research firm and several media agencies.

He said the published findings were unreliable and not truly reflective of the people’s views as the survey was conducted using a doubtful methodology based on an imbalanced sample of respondents.

The Communications and Digital Ministry (KKD) would meet with the media agencies concerned to get clarification on the survey, he said.

“Based on the feedback we received, various academic experts generally questioned the methodology of the survey. If that is their (academicians) stand, then we have to see their (survey organiser) motive.

“The survey was on 100 days of the Unity Government administration, but we have not reached 100 days yet. I will meet with the newspapers concerned to get clarification. Are they trying to do some promotion or deceive the people?” he told reporters after launching the mobile internet Prepaid Unity Package here today.

Five local media outlets have published the findings of the survey, conducted from Feb 6 to 16 in collaboration with a research firm.

The survey, among other things, found that only 27 per cent of respondents were satisfied with the performance of the government in tackling issues on race relations and economic growth, while 26 per cent felt that the government had handled the food supply issue well.

Meanwhile, on Pendang MP Datuk Awang Hashim’s allegation that the government was preventing the opposition from criticising it, Fahmi said criticisms were allowed but slander was not acceptable.

“They are free to criticise but don’t resort to slandering, which undermines morality. As an MP from a party which champions Islam, he should know better the consequences of slander.

“To YB Pendang (Awang), I would urge him to perform self-reflection and if there is an issue … answer in court,” he added.

Last Wednesday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sent a letter of demand to Awang regarding his claim that the prime minister practised selective prosecution and was more vindictive than former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

On another matter, Fahmi said KKD would meet with Tiktok Malaysia and Cyber Security Malaysia to discuss the aspect of security following security concerns raised by European Union (EC) policymakers.

He said KKD should consider this matter urgently if the application had security implication and involved official government secrets.

On Saturday, international media reports said two major policymaking institutions of the EC had banned TikTok from the telephones of employees on cyber security concerns.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency