

KUALA LUMPUR, Taarana School, an education and therapy centre for children with cognitive and sensory impairments, made remarkable strides in raising autism awareness by organising a dynamic ‘Walk for Autism’ at the PKNS Sports Complex on Saturday (April 27).

The RYTHM Foundation said the programme stands as a testament to the power of collective action in fostering awareness, understanding and inclusivity for individuals on the autism spectrum and other neurodiverse individuals.

‘Through the unwavering dedication of participants, volunteers and supporters, the event raised vital awareness and celebrated the achievements and contributions of those with autism,’ it said in a statement today.

Taarana School was established under the aegis of the RYTHM Foundation, the social impact initiative of the global conglomerate QI Group.

According to the statement, approximately 200 registered participants, including a QI group’s representatives, parents and children from Taarana took part in the 45-minute walk.

e event’s highlight was not just the walk but the overwhelming sense of accomplishment it brought. The first 50 participants to complete the walk were celebrated with medals for their achievements and e-certificates of participation for all participants.

‘QI Group’s general manager Kuna Senathirajah, Human Resources and Administration director Boey Kho, Marketing and Sales director Pathman Senathirajah, Taarana’s principal Dr Sunitha Sivakumaran and several senior executives presented the medals,’ it added.

According to the RYTHM Foundation, the event buzzed with various engaging booth activities such as games and services that offered useful details about treatment and medical services as well as skills training for employability.

Head of the RYTHM Foundation, Santhi Periasamy said in the same statement that the programme was a vivid testament to the foundation’s commitment to nurturing a community founded on empathy, understanding and acceptance, values the foundation endeavours to cultivate and uphold.

parent of a Taarana student, Siti Fatimah emphasised that the programme extended beyond mere participation to build a community where everyone feels included and valued.

‘Initiatives like these go a long way in shaping a more understanding and supportive society for our children and future generations,’ she said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency