

MELAKA, The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN), Melaka branch, has carried out inspections under ‘Op Kesan 2.0’ to ensure that traders do not arbitrarily increase prices of goods, due to the change in the price of diesel to RM3.35 per litre following the implementation of the targeted diesel subsidy effective on June 10.

State Development of Entrepreneurs, Cooperatives, and Consumer Affairs Committee chairman, Allex Seah Choo Chin, said that, as of June 20, the state KPDN has inspected a total of 80 premises.

‘All 108 retail goods and services operators inspected have been asked to submit detailed information for the charges or prices applied.

‘We also continue to inspect the identified premises, to detect if there is an increase in charges and prices that are not in line with the mechanism to determine unreasonable high profits, under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011,’ he said at the State Legislative Assembly sitting in Seri Negeri, here, today.

He said this in his rep
ly to a question posed by Datuk Khaidhirah Abu Zahar, who wanted to know what measures were taken to ensure that no party took advantage of raising the prices of goods and services with profit-making elements, following the implementation of the targeted diesel subsidy by the government.

He said that the state KPDN also increased enforcement in the aspect of curbing anti-competition in the market, including cartel elements in the form of price pacts, below the production and market level.

The government previously set the price of diesel at RM3.35 per litre, starting June 10, at all retail stations in the peninsula, according to the Automatic Pricing Mechanism formula, thus saving the government around RM4 billion a year.

However, the move does not involve consumers in Sabah and Sarawak.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency