

KUALA PERLIS, Kampung Wai here has emerged as a popular destination for recreational activities, offering both locals and visitors to Perlis the opportunity to appreciate its tranquil beauty.

Situated approximately three kilometres from Kuala Perlis town and close to the Thailand border, Kampung Wai features a 22-kilometre canal that connects the village to the Timah Tasoh Dam.

A Bernama check in the village found that many visitors to the state for the Visit Perlis Year (TMPs) 2024-2025 seized the opportunity to bring their families or friends to enjoy the beautiful scenery and participate in kayaking and boating along the canal.

Nurul Husna Mohd, 23, from Perak, shared that it was her first time visiting Kampung Wai.

‘I came to Perlis for a vacation with friends, and Kampung Wai is our final destination for this trip. I find this place very beautiful and calming.

‘It’s definitely worth visiting. Besides, there are many stalls selling drinks and food, and visitors can enjoy recreational activities in t
his lovely area,’ she told Bernama.

Muhammad Faiz Shukri, 23, from Kedah, said he has visited Kampung Wai twice with his friends and believes the location offers an exciting experience with adventure sports such as kayaking.

‘The first time I came was just to take photos, but this time, I didn’t miss the chance to go kayaking with my friends. It was fantastic. The water is green and calm,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Perlis Eco-Tourism and Recreation Club vice-chairman Muhammad Taufiq Yaacob said people began visiting Kampung Wai in 2022 for recreational activities.

‘People have been coming here since we introduced kayaking and boating activities. Local residents also sell drinks and food at Dataran Kampung Wai to earn extra income,’ he said.

Muhammad Taufiq said that kayaking and boating activities are available from 9 am to 7.30 pm (Saturday and Sunday) and from 2 pm to 7.30 pm (Tuesday to Friday). The activities are closed on Mondays.

‘Kayaking costs RM10 per person for a 30-minute session, while boat rides
along the canal are priced at RM50 for five adults for a 30-minute trip,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency