
Top legislator receives heads of China’s leading corporations

Beijing: Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue hosted separate receptions for several leaders of Chinese corporations operating in transport and energy on April 8 as part of his official trip to China.

Receiving Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) Dai Hegen, and other leaders of the corporation, NA Chairman Hue recalled the visit to Vietnam in 2023 by General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping, during which both sides issued a joint statement on deepening and elevating the Vietnam – China Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership, and building the Vietnam – China community with a share future.

He took the occasion to thank the CRCC for supporting Vietnam during the struggle for national independence, and spoke highly of the corporation’s capacity and operation scale across the globe.

Hue said the the joint statement in 2023 has opened up a chapter of sound collaboration for both
nations. The two sides agreed to promote cross-border standard-gaud railway connection via Lao Cai – Hanoi – Hai Phong, Dong Dang – Hanoi, and Mong Cai – Ha Long – Hai Phong routes.

Seeing the infrastructure important to bolstering the bilateral economic and trade cooperation, he suggested the CRCC study and make recommendations to engage in projects in the field.

Dai, for his part, highlighted Vietnam is currently one of the most significant markets in Asia of the CRCC, adding the group, the 42nd in Fortune Global 500 list and the 12th among 500 leading firms in China, stands ready to make contributions to Vietnam’s infrastructure development, including survey and design of the railway system.

Welcoming Chairman of the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) Wang Tongzhou, Hue hailed the CCCC’s operation amidst the global headwinds.

Vietnam is branching out its infrastructure system on the principle of promoting public-private partnership, he said, highlighting Vietnam is striving to complete th
e North-South expressway, Lao Cai – Hanoi – Hai Phong railway and Hanoi – HCM City railway.

He expressed his hope that the corporation will make recommendations and give technical support to Vietnam, stressing Vietnam encourages prestigious enterprises from China to join bidding for road and railway development projects in the country.

‘The Vietnamese National Assembly is completing legal system, mechanisms and policies to create favourable conditions for all economic sectors to engage in transport infrastructure development in the country, comprising Chinese firms’, he underscored.

The CCCC is a comprehensive service provider of ultra-large infrastructure, mainly engaging in the investment, construction and operation of transport infrastructure, equipment manufacturing, real estate and urban development. Earning a revenue of 130.6 billion USD, it was ranked 60th in the Fortune Global 500 list in 2022.

Since 1996, the company has carried out more than 20 projects in Vietnam in the fields of infrastructure
development and energy such as a part of the Hanoi – Hai Phong highway, Cai Mep – Thi Vai port, and a wind power in Soc Trang province.

The same morning, Hue received Vice Chairman of Energy China and Chairman of China International Energy Group Lu Zexiang, and leaders of member companies.

Commending the group’s effective and sustainable investment and business across the globe as well as in Vietnam, Hue welcomed its recommendations to support Vietnam in building policies and master plans on power network.

Under its national power development plan for 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050, Vietnam eyes strong energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy to realise its net-zero target by 2050, he said, asking the group’s leader to continue coordination with Vietnamese ministries, sectors and localities for detailed instructions.

He went on to say that the Vietnamese NA is taking bold steps in building and amending relevant policies to meet the country’s development requirements, and recognised the Ene
rgy China’s suggestions on enhancing cooperation in renewable energy and liquefied natural gas (LNG) development, and solutions to green development and carbon emission reduction.

Hue asked the Energy China to give specific recommendations to cooperate with Vietnamese firms, stressing the Vietnamese NA always accompanies the Government and competent agencies to facilitate investments of foreign firms, ensuring they do effective, successful and sustainable business in Vietnam.

In the afternoon, Hue and his entourage visited the R and D centre of Huawei, a leading global provider of ICT infrastructure and smart devices, during which he expressed his impression on the group’s development with standout inventions and patents as well as state-of-the-art technologies.

Having operated in Vietnam for more than 25 years, Huawei has made significant contributions to promoting digital transformation in the country, and begun to join in its human resources training in the hi-tech sector.

Vietnam has developed its IT
enterprises while luring large foreign corporations like Huawei with a view to building a digital economy, a digital society and digital citizens, underlining the country prioritises projects with advanced, new and environmentally-friendly technologies.

The legal environment in Vietnam is becoming more complete to create the best conditions for both domestic and foreign firms, he stressed.

For his part, Huawei Chairman Liang Hua held that Vietnam has various programmes for digital transformation, and Huawei is willing to work closely with Vietnam in the areas of 5G network building and IT human resources development./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency