
Two adventurous female friends cover 24 European countries in 33 days

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 15 (Bernama) — Travelling to 24 European countries in 33 days is no simple feat but that seemingly impossible task was proven to be doable for friends Hirza Hasniza Mohd Jaluli and Fasya Rafiqa Saice from Sungai Besar, Selangor.

Both loved to travel since they were young.

Through meticulous planning and high discipline, both women, aged 27 years, successfully completed their mission to travel to 24 European countries on Nov 8 last year after embarking on their journey on Oct 7

They covered major towns and interesting tourist locations in Switzerland, France, England, Spain, Iceland, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

The duo also went to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Malta and the Vatican City.

Hirza Hasniza and Fasya Rafiqa each spent RM15,000 throughout their journey. The money was spent on transportation and lodgings.

Speaking to Bernama, Hirza Hasniza said their travel to Europe took five months to plan and the entire journey from one country to another used a lot of public transportation such as trains, buses, and aeroplanes.

“We will stay longer than two days in popular European countries with lots of tourist attractions like France, Italy, and Switzerland while we will spend less time like just one day in less popular countries like Malta.

“There were also side adventures such as to Estonia and Latvia that we roamed in just one day because the distance between the two countries is only about three hours apart and there are not many interesting places to visit,” she said, adding that their adventure also went viral and shared by netizens on social media.

A human resource manager, she said the reason she and her friend travelled to many countries in such a short time was that the trip was their first to Europe.

“I have heard stories that there are many interesting places to visit in Europe, so I decided to see for myself. If another opportunity to go to Europe comes again, surely I can now decide the countries I should visit,” she said, admitting that she loved the natural beauty of the countries.

Meanwhile, Fasya Rafiqa said what she remembered most about her adventure was when her iPhone was stolen while travelling from Italy to Switzerland.

“It happened in Milan, we had placed our things by the roadside before boarding the train and unknowingly the phone which was placed on our other items was taken. It happened quickly.

“We managed to track down the location of the stolen iPhone to try to get it back. But I decided not to pursue the matter and I gave up,” she said and decided to buy a new phone.

Meanwhile, another traveller, Maslinda Supandi or better known as Violet Biru, said the two friends were wise to make thorough travelling plans and to take up the challenge together

“I am truly impressed to see more female travellers coming out of their comfort zone and learning to survive in a foreign country.

“It is obvious that work commitments will not prevent them from travelling and seeing the world. May their experiences pave the way for other youngsters to follow their example and travel the world and at the same time open up their minds,” said Violet Biru who has travelled to 42 countries.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency