
Victorias City Embarks on Smart City Master Plan with AI Firm’s Assistance

Victorias City, located in Negros Occidental, is collaborating with Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI), a Singapore-based data science and artificial intelligence (AI) company, to develop a smart city master plan. This initiative included a three-day workshop for the city’s department heads with ADI, concluding on Thursday at the Victorias City Resort. This follows a benchmarking and immersion activity with Mayor Javier Miguel Benitez at the ADI headquarters in Singapore from November 20 to 23.

According to Philippines News Agency, the immersion focused on smart city road mapping to prepare the department heads for the development of the ‘Smart Victorias City Master Plan’. The benchmarking activity aimed to align the local government unit’s development and planning goals closely. The partnership between Victorias City and ADI was formalized last September 28 during the contract signing for the scope of work proposal for the smart city master plan.

Under this collaboration, Victorias City aims to streamline operations, enhance governance, and improve public services through data-driven decision-making. ADI has committed to providing AI consulting, data-driven IoT (Internet of Things), and sustainable solutions. The economic growth roadmap in the scope of work proposal includes smart co-working spaces, waste management, and mobile telemedicine clinics.