
‘Zap-X’ technology saves tumor patient from deafnessExperts seek measures for Dien Bien tourism to thrive

ANKARA: A robotic medical device has served to treat the progressive hearing loss of an elderly patient in one of Trkiye’s well-known University Medical schools in Ankara.

One of the 18 advanced technologies in the world, the robotic gyroscopic radiosurgery device, Zap-X, was first used to heal patients at Hacettepe University Medical School in Ankara.

One of the first patients to be treated with Zap-X was retired English teacher Gunsel Karaca, 64, who was grappling with a tumor that emerged in her hearing and balances vestibular nerves.

After the application of Zap-X, Karaca’s tumor stopped growing and she was saved from the risk of completely losing her hearing.

‘It is a tumor difficult to eliminate.’

The head of the radiation oncology department at Hacettepe Gokhan Ozyigit shared information regarding radiosurgery treatment with Zap-X. He underlined that the device has features that can perform much more sensitive treatments.

Ozyigit emphasized that Karaca had a tumor called ‘acoustic neuroma.’

s is a tumor that is challenging to remove surgically and is especially affecting the auditory nerve. Patients usually come to us with hearing loss. With these tumors, surgery in that area can cause hearing loss to deteriorate. The Zap-X device can easily treat these challenging tumors.

‘We may not be able to reverse the existing hearing loss, but we can forestall the loss from progressing further and stop the growth of the tumor,’ he said.

It takes half an hour, no surgery performed

Ozyigit stressed that acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor. But, when it grows, there is a danger of compressing the brainstem and causing more severe health problems.

Highlighting that patients can listen to music during the treatment and return to their everyday lives on the same day, Ozyigit emphasized that in Zap-X, the treatment is carried out with ionizing radiation and there is no surgical procedure.

‘It substantially reduces adverse impacts’

Dr. Gozde Yazici, a member of the radiation oncology department, pointed out
that due to Zap-X’s structure, it can currently only be harnessed in the upper part of the head and neck. She said with developments, the device will be compatible with the lower part of the neck in the coming months.

‘The most important aspect of Zap-X is that it substantially reduces the adverse impacts that may arise in the patient with a rapid dose reduction and provides more comfortable treatment opportunities. This technology is also very favorable for some eye tumors, and can treat malignant eye lesions while preserving the eye and vision,’ she said.

Highlighting that she was glad to stop her disease from spreading, Karaca said, ‘My ‘first complaints started with hearing loss six years ago. I ignored it at first, but then I started having vertigo attacks, inflammation in my ear and balance problems.’

She said although she was seen by different specialists and bought a hearing aid for hearing loss, her disease could not be diagnosed for some time. After starting being diagnosed in Hacettepe, she rece
ived treatment 1.5 months ago.

‘I am very happy now and have an active life. I hope my hearing loss will stop at the current point, and I hope the tumor will shrink. I did not feel nervous at all while receiving the treatment at Zap-X. It went very well. They played music for me. After receiving the treatment, I did not experience any discomfort.

‘I had no side effects or problems. I returned to my life,’ she said.

Source: Philippines News Agency

Dien Bien: Policy-makers and scholars gathered in Dien Bien province on March 17 to discuss measures to optimise the potential and advantages of the northwestern locality in boosting sustainable tourism development.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha highlighted Dien Bien’s advantages in natural landscapes and the cultural values of 19 ethnic minority groups, and underlined the need for the province to make full use of its potential to create unique tourism products, and to call for investment and design cultural planning.

Along with strengthening the application of information technology in tourism promotion, Dien Bien should cooperate with other localities to create destination chains with Dien Bien Phu being a highlight, he said.

The Deputy PM emphasised that the core factor for tourism development must be the preservation and respect of natural values.

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung stressed the need to evaluate the current situation of Dien Bien tourism, thus clarifying its c
ompetitive advantages and uniqueness. He advised Dien Bien to promote tourism service quality by applying science and technology.

Meanwhile, Associate Prof. Vu Trong Lam, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Su that (Truth) National Political Publishing House, recommended that Dien Bien build plans and strategies for the growth of its strong tourism forms, including community-based tourism, while promoting a friendly and safe tourism environment and ensuring the harmony between development and the protection of the natural environment, ecosystem and local cultural identities.

Dr. Bui Thanh Tuan from the Department of Police Science, Strategy and History under the Ministry of Public Security said that Dien Bien has an important location in the northwestern midland and mountainous region and the country as a whole in many aspects, along with a natural beauty, glorious history, unique cultural identity, and favourable weather conditions.

These advantages are important factors for the locality to make breakthro
ughs in tourism development, he held, underscoring that Dien Bien should focus on building its tourism trademark and design more tourism products on the basis of the traditional culture of ethnic groups.

The conference was held on the sidelines of the Visit Vietnam Year – Dien Bien 2024 that opened on March 16./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency