
Bain Capital adds 50 million USD into Masan Group

Bain Capital – a leading private investment firm with approximately 180 billion USD of assets under management, has agreed to pour another 50 million USD into Masan Group, raising its total investment in the enterprise to 250 million USD from 200 mil…


Bac Giang province logs highest GRDP growth nationwide

The northern province of Bac Giang’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) grew by 13.45% this year, topping the nation.

Accordingly, the province’s growth rates of industry-construction, agro-forestry-fishery, and services hit 17.25%, 2.63%, and 6…


CIEM sets out three economic scenarios for 2024

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)’s Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) presented three scenarios for the national economy in 2024 at the Vietnam Economic Pulse Forum jointly held by the institute and UN Development Programme…