
Pope has CT scan after showing flu-like symptoms

The Holy See said Pope Francis had a computer tomography (CT) scan at the Gemelli hospital on the Tiber Island in Rome on Saturday after showing flu-like symptoms.

In a statement, the Holy See Press Office said the test yielded negative results, ruling out the risk of “pulmonary complications”.

It added Francis had returned to the Casa Santa Marta residence where he lives inside the Vatican.

Earlier on Saturday, Holy See Press Office Director Matteo Bruni announced the Pope’s audiences for the day would not take place due to “a slight flu-like condition”.

Source: Philippines News Agency


Pope has CT scan after showing flu-like symptoms

The Holy See said Pope Francis had a computer tomography (CT) scan at the Gemelli hospital on the Tiber Island in Rome on Saturday after showing flu-like symptoms.

In a statement, the Holy See Press Office said the test yielded negative results, ruling out the risk of “pulmonary complications”.

It added Francis had returned to the Casa Santa Marta residence where he lives inside the Vatican.

Earlier on Saturday, Holy See Press Office Director Matteo Bruni announced the Pope’s audiences for the day would not take place due to “a slight flu-like condition”.

Source: Philippines News Agency